Saturday, May 21, 2011


 So, it's been a little while since I last posted. I assure you that I have in fact been busy (At times). In the past few weeks Teegan and I have made several trips down to Regina to set up life/job and my garden plot (Pictures below), I have been packing (Move day is tomorrow) and in the last few weeks I have found myself busy making and refinishing furniture (Because one must have something to put a TV on!)

2 nights ago I made some BBQ pizza and I couldn't have been happier with the results (It makes me sad that this was the first time I have ever tried it)!

Once I found out that I did in fact rent a garden plot I started another tray of seeds - even though most of these seeds don't need an inside start, I decided I would give them a head start (Zucchini, cucumber, mint, catnip, etc.).

This sideboard (Which is going to hold my TV), is currently a gardening table allowing my little seeds to get sun all the day long. The sideboard was initially a full kitchen table, but I ripped it down, glued it together and sanded it thinking I was going to give it a coat of paint, but my mother in law wouldn't have it - informing me that distressed furniture is quite popular these days. So for the time being it will look like this.

My garden plot is about a 5 minute drive from our new place. I went down earlier this week to plant everything but things took a little longer to get going then I thought. The 2 biggest struggles were getting my plot tilled and fighting the wind (Which did eventually win the battle). I left my plot there to sit until my return (Probably Monday), 10% planted.

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