Friday, May 6, 2011

Slowly but surely!

Good news - I am pretty sure I have managed to reserve a spot in one of the community gardens in Regina. It'll will be at 45 x 25 foot plot, which will give me lots of room to grow and experiment. Seeing as this is my first attempt at a serious garden I am looking at this year as a practice round! I am going to see if all the weird veg I got will actually grow here (Seeing as they probably has a different planting zone preference). I also want to see if I am going to be able to manage a plot of this size (ideally I would have a number of plots, but will start with one).

As of late my 2 little trays of sprouts are probably get way to much attention, and with a garden my sprouts will be left mostly to there own devices (Which is probably a good thing - I imagine I hinder growth more then I help it along).

Almost all of my seeds have sprouted (Besides the half a dozen lazy pea seeds). I have thinned my Swiss Chard and Arugula and for the most part they are doing well in the bigger cups (I do intend to sow seeds right into the ground as well but this will give me a few earlier rounds of salad.)

My Peppers took a long time to come up and for a while there I thought they were all going to be duds (They are the smallest ones in the peat pellets.
The Basil is growing slowly, but they are quite hardy so I have no nerves about them dying off.
The peas like I said are being lazy. I have 5 out of 10 peat pellets with sprouts. I consulted the website I bought them from and it does say they have a lower germination rate. I am quite excited to grow these little guys.

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