Thursday, April 21, 2011

Starting Seeds

Even though spring is taking it's sweet time making it's way to the the prairies (Or so people tell me), a few days ago I  decided to start some of my seeds (Indoors). I have been a little eager ever since I got my seeds in the mail a number of months ago.

I planted seeds into 50 peat pellets - which I now think will be far too many - seeing as I don't have a place to live starting in may (So if anyone knows of a nice place in Regina for May 1st or the 15th - let me know!).

10 Pepper plants
10 Winged peas
10 Basil plants
10 Arugula plants
10 Rainbow Swiss chard

 After 3 days - Arugula are the only sprouts showing up.

Stayed tuned to see where these little guys end up. 

Sunday, April 10, 2011


15 pounds Pork
15 pounds Beef
30 T curry powder
15 tsp cinnamon
15 tsp salt
15 tsp pepper
3 bulbs of garlic
2 bags of purred sun-dried tomato's

All the spices were supposed to be double what I added (Besides the garlic/tomato) - but to be honest I got a little scared the flavour would become to intense. This way I know I am going to be able to taste everything and if it's a little on the tame side - I will know that next time I can go full board.

My hands a full day later still look jaundice.

Stuffing the cavity with the sausage mix.

While I was busy prepping, my father was cleaning up (sorting) some of his earlier work from the previous day.

Cranking the sausage out has always been my favourite part of the process. Except I remember getting to turn the crank, not guiding the sausage out. Traditions being past on - I guess.

3/4's of the way there.

My Dad showing off the skills he learned a few decades ago (As a butcher). He started off slow but once his hands remembered what they were doing he churned this out in a few seconds.

Getting ready for smoke.

My Fathers smoke house. Which has seen use.

I will add that the pictures were all taken by Teegan who wasn't initially to pumped to come out to the shop for the process. I will tell you that she did in fact thoroughly enjoy it.

The final product.

I BBQ'd some up this evening and I am happy to say that it was good.
Nothing was overpowering and everything seemed to be pretty balanced. Perhaps I would cut back a bit of the cinnamon next time - or add a bit of sweetness but all in all I am content with my product.